How to archive company documents?
2020-07-19Electronic workflow in the work of management
2020-08-30The implementation of most new developments into a company requires adequate preparation. Of course, we’re not talking about buying a new espresso machine for the kitchen – with this the caffeine-thirsty employees can certainly cope in a flash, but changes reorganizing the work of most departments must be preceded by proper implementation.
At Hatiroo® we know this very well, which is why the implementation of our software is a process that goes much further than just installing the software.
Implementing an electronic workflow – where do we start?
Introducing a test version
Want to test how Hatiroo® will work for your company? The next step will be to install the software. You can use one of two options:
- We install the software on our infrastructure – this scenario is faster to implement and does not require the involvement of the IT department.
- We install the software on your infrastructure – this option avoids implementation costs, and we will test the system right away on your employees’ company accounts.
The next stage will be a meeting in the form of a workshop.
We will talk about how documents currently circulate around your company. We will present how you can use electronic document circulation to improve the work of the entire team. Together we will establish a new electronic path for each company document, and at the same time we will teach you how to navigate the system and add new workflows on your own.
After such an introduction, we provide a full version of Hatiroo® software customized for your company’s business processes for 30 days. No obligations and no contracts, and no limit on workflows and users. From start to finish, we install and configure the software and provide our own hosting. You can count on our technical and business support throughout the testing period.
After such a structured testing period, you can decide completely consciously whether such software suits your needs, whether the system itself is intuitive and easy to use for users. This is also the right moment to decide whether the workflows have been properly configured and whether you are sure to take full advantage of all of them.
Piloting and production, or implementing Hatiroo® into the company
After the test period is over, if the system has proven itself and you want to make it permanent in your company, we start a pilot.
We start with small steps. At first, only a small group of employees will use the software, and you will process a few or a dozen documents. During this time we will look for ambassadors of the solution, i.e. people who are positive about the software. They will be the first to learn how to use the system, so that they can later pass on this knowledge to others.
If the pilot goes well, the production stage follows, that is, the implementation of the software to the entire company, for all employees. If any ambiguities still arise or there is a need to improve the configuration of processes in the workflows, we will be happy to help – we are available to you all the time for technical consultation. By choosing Hatiroo™ you are not signing long-term contracts – you can cancel at any time with one month’s notice.
Even if you are still undecided and are still wondering whether an electronic document workflow system will work for your company, contact us. We will tell you more about our software and show you in practice how the system works. If you decide, we will carry out the implementation in such a way that the change in the mode of work will go without complications. We will also be happy to help you with the purchase of DocuSign® and Office 365®.