6 signals that it’s time to start processing documents electronically
2021-01-03DocuSign® – how does it work and why should you implement it in your business? Learn 5 reasons
2021-03-14We can do more and more things online, and we are increasingly willing to use it. Nothing surprising about that – it’s faster, more convenient and often just safer.In the context of online document approval, two terms most often come up – electronic signature and Trusted Profile. Although both are used to confirm identity, they work on different principles and offer different possibilities.
What is the difference between an electronic signature and a Trusted Profile?
What is the Trusted Profile used for?
The Trusted Profile is a non-commercial signature provided by the Ministry of Digitization, which gives you the ability to contact authorities online. With the help of the Trusted Profile, you can, for example, set up a business, suspend or liquidate the business of a company, or change data in CEIDG. It is also possible to register and de-register the insured in the Social Insurance Institution (ZUS) or receive a certificate of not being in arrears in paying contributions. The Trusted Profile also makes it possible, among other things, to apply for an ID card, report the birth of a child or receive copies of certificates, such as marriage certificates.
In short, the Trusted Profile allows you to quickly and efficiently deal with many official matters, its establishment is free and simple, and once established it is valid for 3 years. This is a convenient and practical solution, but it is not without drawbacks. First – it only functions on Polish territory. Second – you can’t use it for private or business purposes and you won’t sign any document with it.
The Trusted Profile does not give you the ability to embed a signature on a document. The solution is also not compatible with the eIDAS Directive. The security of using the ePUAP profile is also questionable – it lacks advanced identification methods, such as a token, card or one-time passwords. In summary: the Trusted Profile is not a qualified signature, its capabilities are significantly narrowed, and its security features are insufficient.
How does an electronic signature work?
The term electronic signature actually includes two types of identity confirmation: non-qualified electronic signature and certified qualified signature. You can conveniently use either of them through the DocuSign® platform integrated with the Hatiroo™ workflow system. All right, but how do these signatures actually differ from the Trusted Profile?
They differ, and significantly. A non-qualified electronic signature is a proof of identity that is most often used to sign B2B contracts or internal company documents. An electronic signature within the DocuSign® platform does not require additional fees and is completely free for the other party providing the signature – that is, for example, the contractor. However, it cannot be used to sign documents that require a written form, such as official ones.
A qualified electronic signature is a universal and globally used solution for signing all private documents, business documents, medical records or tender offers, and for communicating with public administration. There is a fee to set up a qualified electronic signature.
To purchase a signature, contact one of the certified providers (qualified signatures in Poland are currently provided by the companies: Asseco Data Systems S.A., Enigma SOI, EuroCert Sp. z o.o., Krajowa Izba Rozliczeniowa S.A., Polska Wytwórnia Papierów Wartościowych S.A.).
Which solution should you choose? If you are looking for a proven tool that you will use for business purposes, DocuSign® is the best choice. Why? It will allow your contractor (even those who do not have their own qualified signature) to sign for free. If you want to compete in tenders, you should additionally purchase a qualified signature for the DocuSign® platform (you will also use it to sign financial statements). To sum up: in business, an electronic signature is essential. The possibilities of the Trusted Profile are very limited and it can only be used in relations with authorities.